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Most employees say coronavirus has a positive impact on work

Most employees say coronavirus has a positive impact on work


David Morel, CEO, Tiger Recruitment

On 23rd March 2020, the UK Government ordered non-essential businesses to close, and employers were urged to take every possible step to facilitate employees working from home. Employers have expressed concerns over employees working from home and its potential impact on their mental health and motivation, but Tiger Recruitment’s research shows that employees are enjoying the flexibility and efficiencies it provides.

Employees cite the top three benefits of homeworking as: Saving time by not having to commute (74%); Saving money by not having to pay for travel or meals at work (73%); Having more flexibility in how they work (52%)

Close to a third (32%) say that working from home makes them feel less stressed and many feel they work more effectively than when they’re in the office. A quarter (25%) say they’re more productive, while one in five (22%) say they concentrate better.

Asked about the most challenging aspect of working from home, over half of employees cite the lack of social interaction (55%). This is the top difficulty by far, followed by not having a dedicated workspace (29%) and working more than they should (27%).

And when the lockdown eases, employees are hopeful that some of the measures introduced during the crisis will stick. Over half (56%) hope that their employers recognise that working from home is good for productivity. As one survey respondent puts it, “Management are appreciating that you don’t have to be seen in the office to know you are productive.”

Commenting on the findings, David Morel, CEO of Tiger Recruitment says, “Our research and our own experience during the coronavirus outbreak show that working remotely can be effective. People tell us they miss the social interaction of office life and this is undoubtedly amplified by social distancing measures. The key is for companies to learn from this period of enforced homeworking, to understand what has worked for their employees and what needs to be improved. This will put them in a strong position post-lockdown, helping them capitalize on the business benefits of a more flexible way of working in the longer term.”


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